Friday, March 25, 2022

Webinar for Project Teachers

Project Logo Contest!

 We will choose a logo from teachers and student designs! Here is the logo designs: 

(Turgut Ergöz/ Güneycik İlkokulu/Turkey)

Esma Şimşek İsmet İnönü Primary School (Adapazarı/Turkey)

Flavia Guidi (Italy)

Mehmet Sarı (Geçittepe İlkokulu/Turkey)

Sevim Ay (Geçittepe İlkokulu/Turkey)

A Digital Story

 Project Schools:

Geçittepe İlkokulu(Şanlıurfa-Turkey)

Yenice Merkez İlkokulu (Şanlıurfa- Turkey)

Escola Pericot (Girona-Spain)


Esma Şimşek İsmet İnönü Primary School (Sakarya-Turkey)

Primaria Collodi Prato (Istituto Comprensivo Curzio Malaparte- Italy)

Primary School of Gennadi (Italy)

Kanuni Sultan Süleyman İlkokulu (Şanlıurfa-Turkey)

Secondary School No 156 (Bucharest- Romania)

Școala Gimnazială Nr. 1 Roșia (Romania)

Project Info

New generation practices are required for the development of basic language skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening. Use of digital stories in primary school will be beneficial in the development of basic language skills. In the project, digital story activities will be held with primary school students aged 6-11. Different digital story activities will be planned and shared of the institutions. The project process will be shared with online tools.


The expected learning outcomes of the students with the project are:
- Developing basic language skills with reading, writing, listening and speaking activities with digital stories
- Developing students' digital tool competencies through digital stories
- Enabling students to be interested in literary works through digital means
- Increasing vocabulary through digital stories to students
- Creating rich content for students as a result of collaborative work.


Working activities with partner schools in the three months project are planned in the following order:
1-Determination of teachers to participate in the project (February,2022)
2-Using project sharing tools (twinspace)
3-Receiving online training from an expert on digital story(March,2022)
4-Planning and sharing of events
5-Implementation of the activities in schools (April, 2022)
6- Sharing and evaluation of results using online to tools
7- Giving certificates to participating students and teachers.(May,2022)


Results in the project:
- It will set a positive example by sharing on TwinSpace, school websites and social media pages.
- The online project result booklet will be a guide for those who want to get detailed information.
-Project effect will be achieved by how many students are reached with the poster to be prepared, how many activities are done, and by sharing photos from different classes in the application.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Project Countries

Project partners are from Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania,Spain and Turkey!

Posters of Project

We have great posters designed by teachers and students! 

(Tayfun Okur/Geçittepe İlkokulu/Turkey)

(Renata Agolli/
Primary School of Gennadi/Greece )


(Luminita Mija-Bucharest/Romania)

(Flavia Guidi - Italy)

(Maria Ujoc/ Școala Gimnazială Nr. 1 Roșia/Romania)

Thursday, March 17, 2022

eTwinning Project

This blog created for etwinning project call: "Let's Improve Basic Language Skills with Digital Stories". 
We will share our project works for schools and parents. 

Turgut Ergöz/Güneycik İlkokulu   Leylek Lili